Special Report from the Mission Field

Special Report from the Mission Field

I started my journey on the 1st May from Heathrow, London airport, a few hiccups, a fire on the tug that pulls us out of the loading bay, got the fire engine, got a new tug/tractor, and away, several traffic jams in Nairobi, and arrived to accommodation in 24 hours! All is well, the devil is a liar and God has good in store. There is a conspicuous sense of expectancy and anticipation. It’s Saturday 4th May, two of the Pastors had travelled 12 hours by bus from Uganda to Nairobi in Kenya especially for the conference. It was wonderful listening to them tell of their experiences overcoming the Witch-doctors with great power.

On Sunday 5th May, morning and afternoon I preached on ‘What is man when Born Again’ and two people came forward to receive Christ. I never cease to wonder why He chose me, a 79 year old to go to East Africa. Monday 6th, Went to do a TV recording, Africa time as always, plan a time, get ready, and come two hours later.

Tues 7th had another flight of one hour to another part of Kenya.

Wednesday 8th May was a fresh experience for me, as I was asked to dedicate a new well! This was interesting, because God has asked me on at least two occasions to start drilling for water in East Africa.

It rained! That is significant! When I arrived in Kenya last Friday I was told that there was many floods all over Kenya because of persistent rain over many weeks. I told them that we can take authority over the weather, like Jesus did with the storm on the lake, we commanded the rain to stop and experienced sunshine from Friday through to Wednesday. But it rained on Wednesday at the dedication service. I asked the Lord for an explanation when I had spent £200 in air fares, £100 in accommodation, waited two hours for them to finish the introducing of the dignitaries, and then I was allowed 15 minutes to preach, before it poured with rain, and did it pour. And the Lord said to me very clearly, “I could do no mighty work because of THEIR UNBELIEF”.

Thursday I flew back to Nairobi. Friday 10th May I flew to Kilimanjaro which is in Tanzania. One meeting on Saturday and two meetings Sunday all at Mererani. there were about 40 came forward for prayer.

Tuesday 14th fly from Kilimanjaro to Mwanza, still in Tanzania.

Since my first visit three years ago this church has grown from 200 to 400 to 600, and Bishop credits this to the teaching of the TICCN Pastor, Dr. David Brewer.

In Mwanza now: Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania, Bishop Elias church. Since my first visit three years ago this church has grown from 200 to 400 to 600, and Bishop credits this to the teaching of the TICCN Pastor, Dr. David Brewer. I spoke at the Prayer meeting on Thursday 16th, two meetings Saturday, and two meetings Sunday. Sunday morning first service about 80 people came forward, praise be to God.

Monday 20th preach at Holy Ghost Revival church, Mwanza, three sessions of one hour each. Tuesday 21st, at Goshen International A.O.G. Church, Mwanza, again three sessions of one hour each, but that wasn’t enough, they still wanted more. It was so good to see many Pastors and Bishops hungry for God’s Word.

I was so encouraged, with over 120 responding this month, the devil was so angry that my next three flights were cancelled or delayed and I should have arrived home on Friday 24th but it took until Sunday evening. All praise to Him who lives for ever and ever.

2024 International Conference – Schedule

2024 International Conference – Schedule

We are pleased to share the itinerary for the 2024 TICCN Conference. All sessions are open to everyone, and we warmly invite you to attend as many meetings as you can.

Thursday 17th October

10:30am Bishop Michael Fleming Church on the Street


Friday 18th October

10am – Breakfast (arrive from 9am)
at Bishop’s Lodge, Liverpool

6.30pm – Evening Reception (Tea, Coffee, and cake)
at The Connect Centre

7:30pm – Bicentennial Concert
at Living Faith Church

Sunday 20th October

10:30am – Morning Service
at Living Faith Church

Afternoon – Travel to Oxford

Monday 21st October

Morning – Oxford City Tour with Reverend Christopher Hughes

Afternoon – Travel to Trefeca College

Evening – Trefeca College Heritage Talk

Tuesday 22nd October

Morning – Swansea Welsh Revival Visit

If you are planning on attending or have any questions contact Sunny. Each attendee is responsible for arranging their own accommodation and travel to the venues.

2024 International Conference

2024 International Conference

Our Conference this year will take place from 9:00am Friday 18th October to 1:00pm Sunday 20th October 2024 across multiple sites in the North West of England, with the main venue being Living Faith Church, Orrell, Wigan, Greater Manchester WN5 8TG.

As part of the conference join us in celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Living Faith Church building! To mark this historic occasion TICCN is hosting a special Celebration of Hymns service at the church. We are honoured to have Bishop Michael Fleming, currently one of the most recognized ministers in Britain, as our special guest speaker. Bishop Fleming, known for his appearances on national TV, will be delivering a powerful address.

We warmly welcome everyone, especially past, present, and new worshipers who have been part of the Salem building’s rich history.

Stay tuned for more details about the upcoming 2024 Conference. We look forward to celebrating together! 

If you’re planning to attend the event, please mark yourself as “Going” on our Facebook event page so we can get an idea of who will be joining us.

Famous American Leader Visits Living Faith Church

Famous American Leader Visits Living Faith Church

Archbishop Steven was delighted to announce recently that his friend and ministerial colleague Dr. Wesley Paul, will be visiting the Connect Centre adjacent to Living Faith Church on Saturday 20th July for a special breakfast gathering. He will follow this with preaching on the Sunday 21st morning service at Living Faith Church. For those who don’t yet know Wesley here is a brief biography of this remarkable international Christian leader.

Dr. Wesley Paul is the founder and president of Wesley Paul International Ministries. Wesley is an International speaker, he has addressed Governors, Kings, Presidents of nations and to the masses in them; from small, informal gatherings to large, filled stadiums he has addressed the message of peace, love and hope to audiences in over 40 countries. Recently he joined Andrew Palau in a nation wide festival reaching more than 100,000 people.

Dr. Paul has served as pastor for 8 years, chaplain in the medical field for 8 years and 3 years as a youth minister.

For the past two decades Wesley has been under the Luis Palau’s Next Generation Alliance as a Network evangelist. He is also being mentored by Dr. Don Wilton, Pastor to the Late Dr. Billy Graham and was mentored by the late Dr. Lon Allison, former director of Billy Graham Center at Wheaton. In association with the Palau team he has conducted several crusades in India and Kenya and Fiji. He is also a member of the Proclamation Evangelism Network (PEN), a network of evangelists hosted by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

Wesley holds a Masters in MDiv from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Masters of Marriage of Family Therapy from Campbellsville University and a Doctorate (DMin) in Pastoral Care and Counseling from Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. In addition to being an international speaker/ evangelist, Wesley also works as a psychotherapist.

Wesley is married to Debbie, together they have two children, Ashley and Jonathan. The Pauls make their home in Springfield, Kentucky.

Event Information

Who is this for: Anyone who wants to learn how to share their faith more effectively with others.
Date: Saturday 20th July 2024 at 10am-12noon.
Venue: Connect Centre (behind Living Faith Church), 25 Church Street, Orrell, Wigan, Greater Manchester. WN5 8TG.
Other info: The meeting is free to attend and includes a fellowship breakfast serving bacon and sausage butties, toast, and pastries.

2024 Elections: Pray for Elections, It Really Makes a Difference

2024 Elections: Pray for Elections, It Really Makes a Difference

Prayer can influence election outcomes. In the video below, Archbishop Steven Lyn Evans and Bishop Steven Bellant share a powerful testimony of how prayer impacted an election result in Louisiana last year.

Louisiana Senator Valarie Hodges was trailing in the polls, predicted to lose the election. However, after Archbishop Steven and Bishop Steven attended a meeting and prayed with Valarie, Bishop Steven remarked, “That prayer session changed the election; she went from being behind in the polls to winning with 63% of the vote.”

With important elections coming up in both the UK and the US this year, we invite you to join us and other TICCN members in praying for these results and for the right candidates to be elected.

As leaders in the Church it’s important to engage in politics so we can have a voice into social issues that affect the communities we serve in. TICCN Bishop Michael Fleming has made several appearances on television, radio, and in newspapers recently highlighting issues such as the danger of nitazenes and raising awareness of policies that impact the people he meets daily through Church on the Street.

Spreading Hope: Being the hands and feet of Christ

Spreading Hope: Being the hands and feet of Christ

TICCN Bishop Steven Bellant (USA) recently visited the TICCN headquarters in the UK and shared an update on a number of initiatives taking place in Nepal. He highlights how the gospel in action is planting seeds, resulting in a significant number of Nepalese people embracing Christianity.

One of the initiatives is providing sustainable aid by giving goats to impoverished families. This allows them to support themselves by selling the offspring and milk products, leading to self-sufficiency.

We’ve also been active earthquake relief efforts. Many Tibetan Buddhist’s have come to the Lord through this aid because they saw the hands and feet of Christ working though believers, they physically saw the body of Christ.

Watch the video to learn more about the above and other initiatives happening in Nepal.

Archbishop Johnny Riley Jr thanked for 30 Years of Influential Ministry

Archbishop Johnny Riley Jr thanked for 30 Years of Influential Ministry

On 2nd June 2024 the College of Bishops and membership of The International Christian Church Network, join with the Executive Leadership of Bridging the Gaps Ministries International, to thank and congratulate our esteemed brother Archbishop Johnny Riley Jr., for 30 years of dynamic and influential Christian ministry. 

We recognise the tremendous and lasting impact that Archbishop Johnny’s international ministry has had on many thousands of lives. He has without question, made a profound impact through his dedicated ministry and inspirational leadership. Archbishop Steven of The International Christian Church Network commented that “I have personally benefitted from Archbishop Johnny’s remarkable ministry and I’m thankful to him and his wife Barbara for their kindness and support. Their friendship to me and the wider church body, beyond The International Christian Church Network of which I am presiding Archbishop, is making a truly lasting and powerful impact into a countless number of lives. 

We give thanks to God for Archbishop Johnny and pray for his ongoing influence and ministry, may God continue to use and impact him for the expansion of the Kingdom.


TICCN Join Peace Campaign    

TICCN Join Peace Campaign    

Leaders of The International Christian Church Network (TICCN) hosted a visit by Algerian Imam Professor Youcef Mecheria this week. Following a visit to Westminster Abbey on Sunday to meet with Anglican Bishop Ball, the Algerian Imam visited Archbishop Steven Evans.  Imam Youcef was taken on a tour of TICCN ministries and churches in Oxford, Wigan, and Burnley. In Burnley he was delighted to meet with Bishop Michael Fleming (Pastor Mick) who he first heard about from a TICCN minister Salah Mokrani based in Lyon, France.

The culmination of this visit saw TICCN ministers join together with Imam Youcef’s International Day of Living Together in Peace initiative. This Algerian Day of Living Together in Peace has been recognised by the United Nations, signed by 130 countries and takes place on 16th May annually.

Archbishop Steven commented “As an International Church Network of over 3,000 churches it is our privilege to join in agreement with this important initiative, our goal is to promote peace and harmony across our communities and Professor Youcef’s initiative will help to further strengthen this cause. We will join with Algeria and lend our support from the countries where we are located including the United Kingdom. Jesus clearly teaches us that blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God (Matthew 5:9).

Sports Chaplaincy Conference in Vatican City

Sports Chaplaincy Conference in Vatican City
Archbishop Steven and Reverend Christopher Hughes were invited to Vatican City for the Sports Chaplaincy Conference. The conference gave some tremendous insights and testimonies regarding the importance of sports for modern life. We heard how the Apostle Paul cited sports repeatedly within the New Testament to convey spiritual ideas. The conference allowed for the exchange of ideas with other delegates including His Eminence Cardinal José Tolentino Calaça de Mendonça who represented Pope Francis at the initial session. 

On one of the evenings they attended a reception hosted by the French Embassy in Rome and enjoyed an especially interesting conversation with Cardinal Bernard Planche from Paris. Archbishop Steven remembered his colleague Bishop Tony Palmer who was a close friend of Pope Francis and shared Archbishop Steven’s Convergency Movement mindset. He went on to further recall how Pope Francis addressed the Kenneth Copeland conference via video in 2014 and Bishop Tony’s comment that “Diversity is Divine but division is diabolic.”

Archbishop Steven and Reverend Christopher joked with Reverend Massimiliano Gabbricci the Chaplain of the Italian National Football team remembering the English defeat at Wembley and Italian supporters singing “It’s Coming Rome, It’s Coming Rome, It’s Coming, Football’s Coming Rome!” Reverend Gabbricci shared about how despite the money and the fame players have the usual human needs and vulnerabilities, the work of insightful chaplains is enormously important. He also shared with deep emotion about how his dear friend Gianluca Vialli was so kind to so many people even though he was dying. It was a testimony to the reality of Christ in his life and it continues to inspire those who knew him.

Reverend Christopher was delighted to meet with his old friend James Parker at the conference. James had travelled from Australia and he currently ministers within The John Paul II Foundation for Sport (JP2F4S) which was launched by Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Britain in 2010. The organisation is inspired by John Paul II’s vision for sport, which has as its primary focus the building of spiritual character through excellence in sporting skills and fitness. Isn’t it wonderful to recognise that in everything spiritual character can be developed, we thank God for the wisdom to see this great insight.

Archbishop Steven observed that the Vatican’s spectacular art and architecture point to humanity being designed by their creator God. He commented that, “God made us in His image, so our passion for creating beautiful things points to us having our Heavenly Father’s genes. There is an innate desire within mankind to create and be creative, it comes from God.” 

Mission Work in Nepal

Mission Work in Nepal

We were delighted to welcome Bishop Steven Bellant to Living Faith Church in Orrell on 8th May. A reception was held before the interview took place and Bishop Steven was surprised to receive a large birthday cake and card ahead of his forthcoming birthday on Friday.  

One of the most interesting insights was that for some people, when they receive the gift of a Bible, it is viewed so importantly that it is classified as a ‘commissioning document.’

Following a short video interview Archbishop Steven Evans conducted an excellent interview regarding Bishop Steven’s ongoing work in Nepal. We heard about how the work in Nepal begun 13 years ago and the details of both the spiritual and humanitarian efforts. As a TICCN minister and more recently Bishop, he has been responsible for impacting hundreds of thousands of people over the years. We learned of the farming initiatives that have been started and the schemes to help poor families look after animal livestock and the powerful impact that has had. In conclusion, two short video presentations were given, showing the tremendous impact of the work.

One of the most interesting insights was that for some people, when they receive the gift of a Bible, it is viewed so importantly that it is classified as a ‘commissioning document.’ What a tremendous lesson that is for those western believers who perhaps have taken God’s gifts and resources for granted.