We are delighted to introduce Protin our Golf Chaplain. He is passionate about the world of professional golf and trained under the guidance of Reverend Christopher Hughes. Since 2010 he has been connected to the world of Golf and has a passionate desire to advance Golf Chaplaincy within professional Golf.
Speaking about his work Protin explained, “Golfers are athletes that need to be holistically supported as the pressure they face is significant.” He continued, “My concern about a specific Chaplaincy ministry for golfers led to an encounter with Archbishop Steven Evans in August 2021. I am grateful to Reverend Christopher Hughes for the connection and I am honoured to be part of TICCN Sports Chaplaincy team by God’s Grace.”
We are thankful for the passion that Protin has and for his God given ability to support and encourage golfers. We are confident that his efforts will continue to advance our increasing positive impact into the world of sports.
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