The Network is the result of years of international ministry and fellowship among many Charismatic Christian leaders.
Whilst the Network had existed in an informal way for several years it began to form a clear and more formal structure early in 2014. Conversations between several international church leaders took place and in particular, two Archbishops were influential in encouraging Bishop Steven Lyn Evans to establish the Network. Archbishop Doyé Agama of the Apostolic Pastoral Congress (UK) and Archbishop Doyle Volentine (USA) who alongside Bishop Evans founded the Network. Bishop Steven was consecrated as the Presiding Bishop of TICCN at a service in Manchester Cathedral in 2015.
Subsequently, TICCN has been making a significant impact as it provides a spiritual home and support for many within the international church community. Bishop Steven explains: “Often with little funding, buildings, or the usual material support, a way has been made for TICCN ministers to fulfil the Gospel mandate in communities all over the world. We have seen the power of God transform thousands of lives and impact entire communities, it has been truly miraculous!”
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