Victory in Jesus! The Healing Power of God.
Reverend David Brewer (TICCN Ministry Director for Africa) of TICCN continues his excellent ministry work in Africa and here we take time to illustrate testimonies of the work.

Here is David with Wilson who is the son of an evangelist at a church in Mbezi Beech, Dar es Salaam.
David has visited the church several times in recent years. On a ministry visit to the church in 2018 David was asked to lay hands on Wilson and minister healing to him. Wilson’s issue was that ten years earlier, as a four year old, a tumour had started to grow on his neck. Over the next ten years the tumour had increased to such a degree that it was obstructing his wind pipe, and causing him to lose much of his education because he was unable to attend school due to significant breathing difficulty.

David ministered in faith to Wilson, using the authority of the name of Jesus. Just one week later David was delighted to receive the message that a miracle had taken place and “God done it, he is healed.”
It’s now been almost two years later and Wilson has not missed school and is totally
healed of the tumor, it’s gone! David has recently received the photograph opposite of Wilson showing that the tumor is gone. It concluded with the joyful message “I think you better praise God for His Blessings and healing. Wilson is doing well.”
Inmates Impacted by Jesus!
In 2015 Reverend David was working in Kenya along with American Evangelist Wesley Paul and another Evangelist from USA. Evangelists are close to David’s heart, his elder brother Eddie was a successful businessman who went to his reward in November 1966, age just 29, during his last year he preached in 10 denominations and led hundreds to know Jesus, by preaching repentance and forgiveness.

Working with the Evangelists in Kenya David was invited by the Prison Chaplain to have a special Gospel service in the high security Women’s Prison in Nairobi that was home to some of the worst offenders in all Kenya. David and the Evangelists gave their testimonies and shared the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
As a result of this unexpected ministry opportunity, it was a delight to witness that there were at least twelve of those inmates, that had their lives changed and received Jesus as Lord and Saviour that afternoon. Lives were transformed because people cared enough to travel half way around the world to share the love of God through Jesus Christ.
Your Opportunity?
Do you have a desire to evangelize or to study about the healing power of God? If these testimonies have inspired you write to us and perhaps you can be on a future TICCN mission trip? Perhaps you would like to study more, consider studying at New Life Bible College, get in touch for more information.
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