It is a great privilege for me to thank Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who have given TICCN the tremendous honor of visiting our church in Burnley. The Royal couple met with Pastor Mick and various workers, volunteers, and congregants at Church on The Street. This visit is so encouraging for the TICCN network and helps to support the tremendous work of the Burnley team. In addition, it helps our efforts into the wider world. Their Royal Highnesses have a genuine care and love for people and we sincerely thank them for the tremendous work that they do.
Bishop Steven Lyn Evan (Presiding Bishop, The International Christian Church Network: TICCN)
Congratulations to Reverend Emma Daggers and Reverend Christopher Hughes who were ordained on Saturday 16th October as TICCN ministers at Church on the Street (Cots) Burnley. The packed church experienced a moving Spirit filled service led by Bishop Steven and Reverend Michael (Pastor Mick).
The two ordinands were very well supported by family and friends. It was especially nice to welcome Pastors Derek and Hilary Walker of Oxford Bible Church at the ordination service who were supporting Christopher. Derek joined Bishop Steven and Reverend Michael in laying on hands at the ordination.
Reverend Christopher will continue his ministry based from Oxfordshire and Reverend Emma is part of the Church on the Street outreach in Preston. We invite people to continue to support them in prayer as their important ministries continue to grow and reach into their respective communities.
We give glory to God for all His work in and through His people!
From 14th to the 19th September Bishop Steven was the guest speaker at the Faith Explosion Conference in Malta. The conference has been hailed as a tremendous success with hundreds in attendance and an atmosphere of great faith. Bishop Steven was thrilled by the enthusiasm of the people and the graciousness of his hosts Dr. Gordon Manchè and his beautiful wife Mariella. There were reports of miracles, deliverance from demonic activity and transformed lives.
The River of Love Church hosted the conference and Bishop Steven reported that there was a real sense of Christian devotion and diligence among the delegates. Bishop Steven spoke and ministered on 5 separate days and delegates responded with great enthusiasm to his inspiring messages which were delivered with a unique mixture of seriousness and humor. The impact was clearly felt, transforming at times and the will stay in peoples memories. Clearly, this was the start of what we all hope is a long and fruitful fellowship between key and strategic leaders within our international missions.
This remarkable conference which had so much to offer is remembered by the delegates and here is a selection of some of the feedback that we’ve received:
“We love and appreciate you Bishop Steven Evans. We thank God for you. God bless you.” Fiona Incorvaja
Fiona Incorvaja
“Great words dear Bishop Steven Evans we were delighted to have you around because we were blessed especially with those examples that you did carry forward they were an inspiration to us all…God bless you and keep on shining for God…Hallelujah where there is God there are miracles.”
Catherine Kate Galea
“Thank you dear Bishop for honoring us with your presence. It was a big blessing an honour and a pleasure.”
Edwin Borg
“Thank you for such a beautiful message of appreciation and encouragement. It was an honor to welcome you and a blessing to receive the Word from you. We are truly blessed to be part of this wonderful family with faithful spiritual parents for guidance and support, blessings.”
Caroline Falzon
“Beautiful words of encouragement dear Bishop Steven Evans and thank you for honoring our precious spiritual parents Mariella Manchè and Gordon Manchè. This conference was truly blessed and it was something we all needed at such a time as this. Dear Bishop I bless you and your family and your ministry, I love you in Christ until we meet again thank you for the laughter.”
Sharon Mifsud
“It was a wonderful conference where the glory was manifested! We’re blessed to have had you with us and blessed to be in this church and have Pastors Gordon and Mariella as our spiritual leaders!”
Theresa Aquilina
“Thank you Bishop for such a kind word, we love you too and thanks for coming, thank you for the time spent and word shared. We shall see you again here, there or in the air.”
Mario Debono
“It was such a great honor meeting you bishop. We thank you for your wonderful words of encouragement, and lifting up of our congregation and of describing the hearts of our Pastors.”
Jennifer Farrugia
“That’s a very powerful message, thanks Bishop. Hope to see you back here.”
Rebecca Paris
“It was an honor to meet you dear Bishop Steven Evans, and glory to God for you and for everyone that preached, that God mightily used for feeding us His Holy word, and stepping into the glory all together. We’re going from Glory to Glory.”
Rhona Sapiano
This conference was truly blessed and it was something we all needed at such a time as this. Dear Bishop I bless you and your family and your ministry, I love you in Christ, thank you for the laughter!
It was also a blessing to catch up and enjoy fellowship with TICCN minister Nigael Lewis who is currently based on the Island of Malta.
Click on the links below to watch videos from the conference:
Walk in The Glory Part 2 – Bishop Steven Lyn Evans – 19/09/2021
Walk in The Glory | Bishop Steven Lyn Evans | 18/09/2021
By Grace for Faith – Bishop Stevens Lyn Evans – 17/09/2021
Worship To Breakthrough | Bishop Steven Lyn Evans | 16/09/2021
Personal Testimony – 3 Steps To Victory | Bishop Steven Lyn Evans | 15/09/2021
By Grace for Faith – Bishop Stevens Lyn Evans – 17/09/2021
It’s my pleasure to write and invite you to support two TICCN ordinands who are due to be ordained this Saturday. They like many others before them have successfully gone through the TICCN Ordinands Training and now are about to enter this important new chapter of life. I want to encourage you to please remember them in your prayers. Emma Cathrine Daggers is part of the Church on the Street outreach in Preston and Christopher Miguel Hughes is based in Oxford.
It’s been my privilege and pleasure to spend time with them both and hear about the great things that God has done in their lives. This Saturday’s Ordination will mark the next and very important step in their walk of faith.
As a TICCN Partner you are warmly invited to attend the ordination which will take place at:
The Hub, Church on the Street, 1-7 Hammerton Street, Burnley BB11 1NA
Bishop Steven Lyn Evans will be the international speaker at a 6 day conference in Malta from the 14th-19th September 2021. Some of the sessions will be available to watch online. Click on the event link below for more details.
On 22nd July the official opening of the TICCN Church on the Streets (CoTS) ministry in Burnley took place. A plaque was unveiled by Lord Shuttleworth with the inscription “In commemoration of David Hurst Co-Founder of Church on the Street Ministries.”
Lord Shuttleworth unveils the plaque aided by Pastor Mick
We would like to thank Lord and Lady Shuttleworth for their support, the Mayor and Mayoress of Burnley and the many volunteers who worked so hard to made this a very special and happy occasion.
Bishop Steven with Lady Shuttleworth and the Mayor and Mayoress of Burnley
During the day a video team filmed interviews with the people for a documentary film about TICCN and in particular the tremendous impact of Pastor Mick and the Church on the Street Ministry. Bishop Steven commented: “The repeated theme of the day has been the unconditional love and practical support provided by Pastor Mick and his team. We have all be touched by the selfless dedication and Christian devotion of this ministry, Pastor Mick is demonstrating the heart of what it means to be a TICCN minister. We must meet people at their point of need, you don’t get clean in preparation for your bath, far too often the church has expected people to get cleaned up before they arrive but churches must embrace people wherever they are. In this way, we truly follow Jesus, who in encountering peoples weaknesses responded with unconditional love that manifested in practical ways. Healing for the sick, forgiveness for the sin, and food for the hungry. When people experience this, hope shines into the darkness of lives and a brighter future is born.”
This year TICCN ministers have been busier than ever. Around the world our devoted ministers and church members alike have contributed in sacrificial giving to the poor and needy. We have heard some amazing stories of sacrificial love and devotion for those in need. We estimate that since March this year TICCN ministers have given over 250,000 meals to the poor in addition PPE equipment and medical aid to some of the poorest people in our communities.
We feature here the work of TICCN minister Revd. Michael Fleming who has been at the forefront of work amongst the Covid-19 impacted and poor in Burnley. Revd. Michael spoke to Bishop Steven about recent events and the way in which they have been able to offer strategic resources to those most vulnerable and in need. He was also quoted in a BBC interview describing the dramatic scene of ‘Children ripping bags open for food’ during the pandemic.
BBC analysis shows the death rate from all causes between April and June this year in the most deprived areas was nearly double that of deaths in the least deprived parts of England. The majority of the top 10 cities and towns with the highest death rates were in the north of England. (
Bishop Steven has confirmed that TICCN will continue to offer support and guidance to all our ministers during this unprecedented time. He also thanked the people who have responded in a remarkable way to the CoTs charity appeals. Currently the Go Fund Me page has received almost £100,000 in just over a week. Bishop Steven concluded by saying that “During these times of great needs TICCN is setting an example of walking in love and service whenever and wherever we can.”
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