Spreading Hope: Being the hands and feet of Christ

Spreading Hope: Being the hands and feet of Christ

TICCN Bishop Steven Bellant (USA) recently visited the TICCN headquarters in the UK and shared an update on a number of initiatives taking place in Nepal. He highlights how the gospel in action is planting seeds, resulting in a significant number of Nepalese people embracing Christianity.

One of the initiatives is providing sustainable aid by giving goats to impoverished families. This allows them to support themselves by selling the offspring and milk products, leading to self-sufficiency.

We’ve also been active earthquake relief efforts. Many Tibetan Buddhist’s have come to the Lord through this aid because they saw the hands and feet of Christ working though believers, they physically saw the body of Christ.

Watch the video to learn more about the above and other initiatives happening in Nepal.

Ukraine Response

Ukraine Response

TICCN Head office based at Living Faith Church in Orrell Greater Manchester has responded to the Ukrainian crisis. Notices were placed on social media outlets that food and essential supplies were going to be collected and then donated to the Ukraine and that the TICCN Living Faith Church was to be the focal point for local collections.

Local church volunteers rallied and items were collected over three days this week. The goods were then transported on Thursday this week via lorry directly to the Ukraine. We have also heard of other TICCN network churches responding with similarly tremendous generosity.

“The overwhelming response has been remarkable and fitting, our ongoing prayers are for peace and a swift end to this horrific crisis.”

Bishop Steven Lyn Evans

Thank you to all our TICCN network members, you’re making a massive impact.

Supporting the people of Pakistan

Supporting the people of Pakistan

TICCN Churches in Pakistan have responded to the Coronavirus emergency by distributing food among various communities. Muslim, Catholic and Presbyterian people alike have praised the kind work of TICCN through His Grace Church Network. Our volunteers spread the love of the Gospel in the practical distribution of food supplies and advising people in coping with these very difficult circumstances. Bishop Nadeem invited people to support the provision of food further and he can be contacted directly via bishopnadeem@gmail.com