Leaders of The International Christian Church Network (TICCN) hosted a visit by Algerian Imam Professor Youcef Mecheria this week. Following a visit to Westminster Abbey on Sunday to meet with Anglican Bishop Ball, the Algerian Imam visited Archbishop Steven Evans. Imam Youcef was taken on a tour of TICCN ministries and churches in Oxford, Wigan, and Burnley. In Burnley he was delighted to meet with Bishop Michael Fleming (Pastor Mick) who he first heard about from a TICCN minister Salah Mokrani based in Lyon, France.
The culmination of this visit saw TICCN ministers join together with Imam Youcef’s International Day of Living Together in Peace initiative. This Algerian Day of Living Together in Peace has been recognised by the United Nations, signed by 130 countries and takes place on 16th May annually.
Archbishop Steven commented “As an International Church Network of over 3,000 churches it is our privilege to join in agreement with this important initiative, our goal is to promote peace and harmony across our communities and Professor Youcef’s initiative will help to further strengthen this cause. We will join with Algeria and lend our support from the countries where we are located including the United Kingdom. Jesus clearly teaches us that blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God (Matthew 5:9).
Archbishop Steven and Reverend Christopher Hughes were invited to Vatican City for the Sports Chaplaincy Conference. The conference gave some tremendous insights and testimonies regarding the importance of sports for modern life. We heard how the Apostle Paul cited sports repeatedly within the New Testament to convey spiritual ideas. The conference allowed for the exchange of ideas with other delegates including His Eminence Cardinal José Tolentino Calaça de Mendonça who represented Pope Francis at the initial session.
On one of the evenings they attended a reception hosted by the French Embassy in Rome and enjoyed an especially interesting conversation with Cardinal Bernard Planche from Paris. Archbishop Steven remembered his colleague Bishop Tony Palmer who was a close friend of Pope Francis and shared Archbishop Steven’s Convergency Movement mindset. He went on to further recall how Pope Francis addressed the Kenneth Copeland conference via video in 2014 and Bishop Tony’s comment that “Diversity is Divine but division is diabolic.”
Archbishop Steven and Reverend Christopher joked with Reverend Massimiliano Gabbricci the Chaplain of the Italian National Football team remembering the English defeat at Wembley and Italian supporters singing “It’s Coming Rome, It’s Coming Rome, It’s Coming, Football’s Coming Rome!” Reverend Gabbricci shared about how despite the money and the fame players have the usual human needs and vulnerabilities, the work of insightful chaplains is enormously important. He also shared with deep emotion about how his dear friend Gianluca Vialli was so kind to so many people even though he was dying. It was a testimony to the reality of Christ in his life and it continues to inspire those who knew him.
Reverend Christopher was delighted to meet with his old friend James Parker at the conference. James had travelled from Australia and he currently ministers within The John Paul II Foundation for Sport (JP2F4S) which was launched by Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to Britain in 2010. The organisation is inspired by John Paul II’s vision for sport, which has as its primary focus the building of spiritual character through excellence in sporting skills and fitness. Isn’t it wonderful to recognise that in everything spiritual character can be developed, we thank God for the wisdom to see this great insight.
Archbishop Steven observed that the Vatican’s spectacular art and architecture point to humanity being designed by their creator God. He commented that, “God made us in His image, so our passion for creating beautiful things points to us having our Heavenly Father’s genes. There is an innate desire within mankind to create and be creative, it comes from God.”
We were delighted to welcome Bishop Steven Bellant to Living Faith Church in Orrell on 8th May. A reception was held before the interview took place and Bishop Steven was surprised to receive a large birthday cake and card ahead of his forthcoming birthday on Friday.
One of the most interesting insights was that for some people, when they receive the gift of a Bible, it is viewed so importantly that it is classified as a ‘commissioning document.’
Following a short video interview Archbishop Steven Evans conducted an excellent interview regarding Bishop Steven’s ongoing work in Nepal. We heard about how the work in Nepal begun 13 years ago and the details of both the spiritual and humanitarian efforts. As a TICCN minister and more recently Bishop, he has been responsible for impacting hundreds of thousands of people over the years. We learned of the farming initiatives that have been started and the schemes to help poor families look after animal livestock and the powerful impact that has had. In conclusion, two short video presentations were given, showing the tremendous impact of the work.
One of the most interesting insights was that for some people, when they receive the gift of a Bible, it is viewed so importantly that it is classified as a ‘commissioning document.’ What a tremendous lesson that is for those western believers who perhaps have taken God’s gifts and resources for granted.
Christians often lack understanding regarding Israel, a lack of bible understanding often causes them to be sentimentally biased in favour of Israel. Despite the horrific crimes that are being currently committed they can’t seem to get past their emotions and into the reality of truth. God requires justice for all people and our God given charge is clear, we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem not war! Also, it’s important to understand that the chosen people of God are no longer limited to Jewish believers as in Old Testament times. The Gospel is for all people equally and believers need to think with a New Testament understanding. Consider for example, the Apostle Peter told those who believe in Christ Jesus, “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people…Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God” (I Peter 2: 9,10). Jesus told those who believed in Him: “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.” Everyone who has faith in Christ is chosen by Him.
Someone said recently that Romans 11 teaches that “All Israel will be saved.” I pointed out to them that whilst this was true, Romans 9 had already explained that not all Israel was Israel.
Believers from all the world, not limited by geography or ethnicity, now form what Galatians calls 6:16 calls the “Israel of God.” We know that the whole Jewish race was not chosen by God because Jesus taught that some of them were of their father the devil (John 8:44). The scriptures clearly teach that, “Whoso denieth the Son the same hath not the Father” (I John 2:23).
If you are Christ’s, you are also Abraham’s seed and heirs of the promise. Here is one final Bible verse that you should determine to fully understand: “And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29). Join with me in praying for peace and an end to the evil that is currently flourishing.
Ordained TICCN ministers Graham and Kathrine Dunwell moved to the Dominican Republic with their family at the start of this year. Below we share the latest news from them, join us in prayer to support their work.
Dear friends, we extend our warm greetings to all of you in the mighty name of Jesus. April has brought both highs and lows for us. The weather has been challenging with continuous rain. Fortunately, Jarabacoa has been relatively safe from flooding, but Sosua has been severely affected, impacting many individuals. Please pray for the rain to stop and for those affected by the floods. Additionally, please keep the Haitians in the DR in your prayers as many are facing deportation back to Haiti amidst a dire situation there. We hope to help the Haitian people more in the future as the Lord leads and continues to connect us to the right people.
We are thankful to God for our recent connection with Kids Alive International, who are significantly impacting many children’s and families’ lives in the DR. It seems God is leading us towards meaningful involvement with this ministry.
Early April, we visited the Owens in Punta Cana during their family holiday, and they blessed us so much all weekend, we had great fun, and quality time together, and we all enjoyed a much-needed rest.
Regarding Jarabacoa Christian School, after seeking the Lord’s guidance, we have been presented with new opportunities to further the spiritual formation of the school. Graham will take up a senior leadership position, while Kathryn will continue to oversee Chapel for the entire school and teach all the Bible study classes. Please continue to pray for revival at the school as we faithfully serve Him there. We are believing for a powerful move of God among the students and teachers at our upcoming final chapel of the year.
Our daughter, Precious, is thriving at the school, a real answer to prayer and as Troy approaches 18, he is discerning his next steps for the coming season.
Our Priorities for May
All Great Moves of God Start in Prayer!
Live Out the Gospel
Spreading the Love of Jesus in the Dominican Republic!
Our mission is to share the love of Jesus through both words and actions as we become an integral part of the community. We are continuing to help with the spiritual needs of the school, focusing on prayer, pastoral care, worship, and Bible study for the teachers and over 400 children.
We visited the Mission Direct project with Claire from GoMad, and were heartbroken to witness the level of poverty that the people of Arroyo de Leche face. Our prayer is to help the children of this village continue to receive an education at Juan de Dios Garcia Gonzalez School. The children also get a free meal at the school and with your support, we can help build them a safe space to eat together. We are preparing for our missionary teams scheduled to arrive in July. Our mission will be to construct a kitchen and dining facility along with an extra toilet. We need more people to sign up for this trip to go ahead so please do pray and spread the word if you or anybody you know may be interested in joining us. (If you are interest in joining this trip visit https://missiondirect.org/country/dominican-republic/)
2024 Project
Arroyo de Leche School – This is a rural community of around 200 families.
The school has grades 1-6 and has 28 students.
They have 3 classrooms and 3 teachers.
The school is a full day.
The Project
To build a dining and kitchen area – the school currently has no facilities for lunch and is washing dishes on the ground.
To build a toilet block.
We will assist a team of local builders and tradespeople to accomplish this project.
Please Pray For
Our Family Back Home
Those Affected by the Floods
The Missionary Projects with Mission Direct
The People of the Dominican Republic & Haiti
The Children, Parents, and Teachers at JCS School and that They Come to Know Jesus
The School Chapel, Worship, Prayer, and Bible Study
For our new roles at JCS and that God will be Glorifi ed
Archbishop Steven met with Bishop Michael recently and discussed the Church on the Street’s harm reduction initiative. Churches have been reporting the tragic news that people are dying at an unprecedented rate. Consequently, TICCN is advising churches to encourage suitable volunteers be trained in the use of Naloxone as it saves lives for those on opiates who may overdose.
What is naloxone?
Naloxone is a drug that can reverse the effects of opioids, such as heroin, methadone, opium, codeine, morphine, and buprenorphine. A naloxone dose can even save someone’s life if it’s used quickly after they’ve overdosed on opioids and before emergency help arrives. The effects of naloxone don’t last very long, so it’s important to always call 999 and ask for emergency help when you use it. Medical professionals have been using naloxone in emergencies for many years. We want to make sure that anyone who needs it has it to hand and knows how to use it.
A naloxone dose can even save someone’s life if it’s used quickly after they’ve overdosed on opioids and before emergency help arrives.
Get a free naloxone kit and training
If you’d like a naloxone kit, visit or get in touch with your local service. A trained member of staff will give you a kit, and teach you how to prevent and manage opioid overdoses. Naloxone training can take as little as 10 minutes. Anyone can use naloxone in an emergency. You don’t need to be a doctor or medical professional. We give kits to anyone who could use it to save a life, for example, if you use opiate drugs or if someone you know does. If you use our services, you can ask for a few extra kits to give to people you know personally. You must be trained to an enhanced level so you can pass on the training to the people you give the naloxone kits to. Carrying naloxone and knowing how to use it could help you to save a life. If you use your kit, or if it is lost, damaged or out of date, we’ll be happy to give you a new one.
How to use naloxone to save someone’s life
If someone has had an opioid overdose, naloxone will only reverse the effects for a while. After 20-40 minutes, the effects will wear off and the person will go back into overdose.
Always dial 999 and ask for an ambulance straight away after giving someone naloxone.
Naloxone kits come in two types. They have the same effects but you use them differently:
Prenoxad, which comes as a pre-filled syringe. You inject this type of naloxone into a person’s leg, through their clothes if you need to.
Nyxoid, which comes as a nasal spray. You spray this type of naloxone into a person’s nostril.
Make sure that you’re not in any danger first. Keeping yourself safe is important.
Call 999 and ask for an ambulance.
Check to see if there is anything obstructing their airways.
Place the person in the recovery position. You can find out how to do this here.
If you have Prenoxad, inject it into their thigh or upper arm muscle.
If you have Nyxoid, place the spray in their nose and press the plunger.
Wait with the person until the ambulance arrives, and give the used naloxone kit to the paramedics.
When you use naloxone, you should see it start to work in 2-5 minutes. The effects will last for between 20-40 minutes, but after that, they will wear off and the person will begin overdosing again. It’s important that the person still gets medical help during this time.
Naloxone is only effective for opioid overdoses, and won’t work with any other non-opioid drugs. You should never use it as a safety net to take extra risks.
For further information you can contact TICCN Bishop Mick at pastormick@cots.co.uk
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