I want to extend a heartfelt congratulations to the Reverend Salah Mokrani who has been
ordained in Leon, France, by Bishop Michael Fleming and Bishop-elect Christopher
Hughes. They were faithfully assisted by Deacon Jacob Masih. The work of TICCN is
having a continuous and growing impact, we thank God for these obedient servants who He
has called, and duly equipped for Christian ministry.

We include here Reverend Mokrani’s personal testimony about his life and ministry:
I have been ministering as a pastor and evangelist to Muslims in France for 38 years. I have
written several books on this subject:
- Understanding and loving Muslims.
- Announcing the Gospel to Muslims.
- In the light of your Word. Christian teachings for Christians from a Muslim background.
- A biblical commentary on Genesis 1 to 12 In the beginning God created…
I learned about TICCN through Reverend Christopher Hughes, whom I had known and worked alongside for 10 years. I am happy to be part of this beautiful TICCN spiritual family and I really have a special affection for Archbishop Steven Lyn Evans and Bishop Mick Fleming who welcomed me warmly with open arms.
My desire is to continue to develop my mission with Muslims within the framework of TICCN and to also accompany other pastors and churches in this mission. In connection with Bishop-elect Christopher Hughes of TICCN we will collaborate to raise the mission of the church in Algeria and further develop the TICCN network.
May the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head and Supreme Leader of the Church bless our TICCN movement and may it always expand for the glory of his name. Alleluia, glory to God through the Holy Spirit who has sanctified us for the Son.
Révérend Salah Mokrani
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