Prayer can influence election outcomes. In the video below, Archbishop Steven Lyn Evans and Bishop Steven Bellant share a powerful testimony of how prayer impacted an election result in Louisiana last year.
Louisiana Senator Valarie Hodges was trailing in the polls, predicted to lose the election. However, after Archbishop Steven and Bishop Steven attended a meeting and prayed with Valarie, Bishop Steven remarked, “That prayer session changed the election; she went from being behind in the polls to winning with 63% of the vote.”
With important elections coming up in both the UK and the US this year, we invite you to join us and other TICCN members in praying for these results and for the right candidates to be elected.
As leaders in the Church it’s important to engage in politics so we can have a voice into social issues that affect the communities we serve in. TICCN Bishop Michael Fleming has made several appearances on television, radio, and in newspapers recently highlighting issues such as the danger of nitazenes and raising awareness of policies that impact the people he meets daily through Church on the Street.

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