Tom Brown was one of the best-kept secrets in the body of Christ, until his national exposure. He was featured on the national television network, MSNBC, in which they did an hour-long documentary on his ministry of deliverance, and they showed his success in dealing with the spiritually oppressed.
People who saw it have said of Tom, “remarkable man”, “I like your style”, “You have an obvious love and compassion for people”, “You lifted up Christ”, and “You are performing as the Apostles did”. The El Paso Times has also featured his ministry of exorcism. His also appeared on a two-hour documentary on the History Channel and on ABC 20/20. He has now become one of the most famous deliverance ministers in the United States, receiving over 700 invitations a year. He has also become the face of traditional values and religious freedom.
Tom is pastor and founder of a fast growing church in El Paso, Texas. He is author of several books including How to Receive from God, Devil, Demons and Spiritual Warfare and his newest, Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing. Recently he was ordained as a Bishop under apostolic succession under the Anglican Tradition. More and more churches are affiliating with his ministry.
His largest outreach is the internet; his site receives over a million visitors annually, with hundreds of testimonies coming in every year. He is president of the world’s largest Charismatic and Pentecostal directory over the Internet.
Tom has appeared on several different television shows. People who have heard him speak have commented that he is one of the finest Bible teachers, not only in El Paso, but around the world. Best selling author, Don Gossett, has said about Tom’s teaching that it “impacts to [what] I’ve heard by the leading teachers of our day. Tom Brown incorporates practical Bible teaching along with logic and humor.” He’s called Tom’s message on You Can Predict Your Future “a masterpiece.” Kenneth Copeland calls Tom “the bread basket of El Paso.” Just as Jesus took a little boy’s lunch and fed a multitude, God has taken Tom’s ministry and has fed tens of thousands of people the Word of God.
Tom’s teaching would be enough to bless any congregation, but God has also empowered him with rare, authentic miracles. His meetings are known for dramatic healing and deliverances as well as many people claiming to have visions of Christ and angels. Many people have said that they saw either Jesus or angels with Tom on the platform when he ministers. People have been gripped by the Holy Spirit as Tom Brown teaches and ministers in the gifts of the Spirit.