In some ways TICCN has embraced the main ethos of movements such as the 19th century Oxford Movement. Their belief was that the Church of England was a divinely founded institution rather than a protestant one. TICCN similarly emphasises the divine nature of the Church over denominational differences. We recognise the important heritage of the doctrine of apostolic succession and our ministry as part of the “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic” church.
Reverend Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) is often known as The Apostle of Faith and his ministry connects with TICCN in several ways. Archbishop Steven and Wigglesworth are two of three known ministers, to be featured on front page secular newspaper headlines across Britain because of supernatural healing testimonies. The other is Reverend Melvin Banks who is often regarded as the second Wigglesworth, he is also a minister within TICCN. Wigglesworth had a tremendous healing ministry, he was a man of faith and prophetic insight. He once prophesied over a young man named David du Plessis, that man became known as Mr Pentecost. Wigglesworth said that du Plessis would be a major catalyst of a Charismatic revival in the traditional non-Charismatic denominations.
As someone who had been a Pentecostal minister, it was subsequently quite remarkable that in 1975 Dr. David du Plessis was called upon by Pope Paul VI to create and mediate Roman Catholic and Pentecostal dialogue. The purpose was to foster understanding and to create room within the Roman Catholic Church, for the many who were moving towards the charismatic movement. In 1976, David du Plessis brought Robert McAlister into the dialogue as he was leading a significant revival in Brazil among Roman Catholics and Pentecostals alike. In 1978, Pope Paul VI called for McAlister and du Plessis to be commissioned as bishops with special recognition and rights. This established both McAlister and du Plessis as direct descendants in Apostolic Succession and TICCN’s connection through the Global Gospel Fellowship detailed within this booklet.
A late colleague of TICCN, Bishop Tony Palmer was also close friends with Pope Francis. In 2014 Bishop Tony and Pope Francis recorded a video for Kenneth Copeland’s faith conference. Copeland along with Kenneth Hagin were founding members of the influential International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM). Bishop Tony spoke about the prayer of Jesus towards the end of His time on Earth, “May they be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You” (John 17:21). That really is the work of TICCN and the subsequent friendship between Pope Francis and Kenneth Copeland was a testimony to the power of the convergence movement that TICCN is part of. Jesus taught, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).
These connections continue and at the 2023 TICCN conference Reverend Christopher Hughes (TICCN) returned from meetings at the Vatican and presented Archbishop Evans with the rosary that Pope Francis had given him. Archbishop Evans explains the TICCN position, “Love and respect towards others with differing views, are the foundations for genuine human understanding.” Clearly, Wigglesworth’s prophecy is being fulfilled through the ongoing work of the convergence movement.
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