In 1985 Bishop du Plessis and Bishop Myers consecrated Archbishop Benson Idahosa who had planted thousands of churches in Nigeria and was well known for his powerful ministry. Archbishop Idahosa in turn, consecrated Bishop Michael Reid from England initially as Bishop within the International Communion of Charismatic Churches (ICCC). These two men along with the renowned evangelist Dr. T. L. Osborn founded the Global Gospel Fellowship (GGF). The mission of this fellowship remains vitally important today: “The Global Gospel Fellowship reaches out to every continent and nation to create a forum for leaders of Christian churches and fellowships to share teaching and ongoing education; receive the wisdom of fathers in the faith; obtain encouragement from fellow ministers; achieve ordination and fulfil the challenge of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people throughout the world.”
These three men were all also close friends of evangelist Dr. OraI Roberts and they were all Regents at Oral Roberts University. In later years, Archbishop Evans who as a young minister had been a member of the GGF accepted Bishop Reid’s invite to continue leading the work of the Global Gospel Fellowship. It was arranged that the GGF would continue its mandate under the umbrella of TICCN. This was especially interesting for Archbishop Evans because as a young man in 1987, whilst singing at the London Palladium, he had been introduced to Archbishop Idahosa who prayed for him. It seemed as if a remarkable circle of connection was completed.